Donations & Payments

Make a Family Contribution & make a difference!

Kenakena School is a place where everyone can feel excited, motivated and positive, from the teachers to the children, support staff to visitors, Whanau to our wider community. Donations make a big difference to our ability to go the extra mile for our students, and we are exceptionally grateful to those who are able to give.

Previously, the amounts of $75 per child a year or $145 for a whole family (that’s 2 or more children) was suggested. If you divided this into the 40 weeks of a school year it equals just $1.88 per child per week.

Kenakena School are eligible and The Board of Trustees have opted in to the Government Donation Scheme, thus we do not need to request a FAMILY CONTRIBUTION from our whanau for the 2021 School year.  

Any donations offered are gratefully accepted and are used for a range of student enrichment opportunities. 

Kindo School Shop

Use our Kindo online school shop to easily view, register and pay for your student needs.

START SHOPPING – click below to log in to our Kindo online school shop.

You can order lunch, view and pay your Family Contribution, pay for camps, trips and sports as they show throughout the year.


First Time Users – If you are a first time user of Kindo click here (all you need is an email address which matches that used by the school to contact you).

Registered Users – click here to use Kindo online to make full or part payments for all school activities and donations, register and pay for school sports teams, support fundraisers and complete permission forms.

Order Friday Lunch and pay online before 9.30am. It’s easy to order in advance and  avoid the Friday morning rush of filling in forms and looking for cash.

Choose to pay-as-you-go or add funds to your Kindo account in advance, using fee free options of internet banking, POLi, Account2Account  or Visa/Mastercard Credit/Debit card (50cent charge + 2% fee applies)

See the youtube tutorial here –

Questions? – Contact the school office or call the Kindo helpdesk using the ? link onscreen, call 0508 4 KINDO (0508 434656) or email

Easy Pay – Set up a School Account

By transferring just $10.00 per month into the school account starting when your child turns 5, you will have all their camps and trips covered until they go off to college!

Just Set & Forget 

School Board of Trustees Bank Account number:

03 – 0732 – 0286788 – 00

If your child is likely to play netball/hockey/touch rugby or want to go on the Melbourne Exchange programme, or if you are starting the account partway through their schooling, you might like to make larger monthly transfers.

Examples of what this payment can cover:

Additional Stationery $1.50

Museum trip $10.00

Strike Percussion show $5.50

Kahikatea Camp $210.00

New Entrant Marine Gardens trip $4.50

Years 7&8 Technology $62.00

Year 8 Kapiti Island $40.00

Years 7&8 Makahika Camp $300.